<c01> to <c12> Components, first to twelfth level

The basics of the component element are explained under <c>. Numbered component elements serve the same purpose and have the same attributes as <c>, except they must nest within each other. <c01> may be found within <dsc>. It may contain <c02>. <c02&t; may occur within <c01> and may contain <c03>, etc. This continues to <c12>. One may include the same subelements as in <c>. When using numbered component elements, one may not switch to the unnumbered <c> element. Similarly, one may not put numbered component elements within plain <c>.

The best reason to use numbered components instead of unnumbered components is that it allows one to easily visually discern the level at which the component is nested.


An example of how <c01>, etc., may be used:

<c01 level="series">
	<arrangement><p>This series is arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Letters written <emph>by</emph> Sarah J. Bell are arranged alphabetically by recipient's last name.</p></arrangement>
	<c02 level="subseries">
	<unittitle>Incoming Correspondence</unittitle>
		<c03 level="file">
		<c03 level="file">
	<c02 level="subseries">
	<unittitle>Outgoing Correspondence</unittitle>
		<c03 level="file">
		<c03 level="file">
		<c03 level="file">
		<c03 level="file">

EAD tag library entry for <c01>. <c02>, <c03>, <c04>, <c05>, <c06>, <c07>, <c08>, <c09>, <c10>, <c11>, and <c12>.