<eadid> EAD Identifier

<eadid> is a required element within <eadheader>.

It may contain “PCDATA,” or “parsed character data.” In practical terms for this element, <eadid> may contain mixed character content. Some examples would be:





  • COUNTRYCODE – ISO 3166-1 code for the country of the maintenance agency. This is a two-letter code such as “us” for United States, “ca” for Canada, and “gb” for Great Britain.
  • ENCODINGANALOG – not required. May contain information to map this tag to a particular element in another schema.
  • IDENTIFIER – not required. This is a machine-readable unique identifier.
  • MAINAGENCYCODE – not required. This is the ISO 15511 code for the institution which maintains the finding aid (not necessarily the same agency which maintains the materials).
  • PUBLICID – not required. Intended to be a universally unique identifier, specifying owner and file. The proper syntax for PUBLICID is defined in ISO/IEC 9070:1991 Information technology — SGML support facilities — Registration procedures for public text owner identifiers.
  • URL – not required. An absolute or relative Uniform Resource Locator. Only available as an attribute within <eadid>.
  • URN – not required. A Uniform Resource Name is intended to serve as a persistent, location-independent, resource identifier.

While COUNTRYCODE and MAINANGENCYCODE are not required attributes, they are required if you want to make the element compliant with ISAD(G) element 3.1.1. The tag library recommends that repositories use at least one of the following attributes: URL, PUBLICID, or IDENTIFIER to make the <eadid> globally unique.


<eadid> has no subelements.

Our EAD file so far

Let’s add fill out the <eadid> for our EAD file in progress…I’ll use my initials and a number and call it “rkt-01.” Country is US. For mainagencycode, I’ll use the code for my current employer—George Washington University’s law library, “dgwl.” Since either URL, PUBLICID, or IDENTIFIER are recommended, I’m going to use the URL “www.eadiva.com/sample/.”

		<eadid countrycode="us" mainagencycode="dgwl" url="http://www.eadiva.com/sample/">rkt-01</eadid>
	<frontmatter><!--we're going to display it here just to show how it's used-->

EAD tag library entry for <eadid>.