<edition> Edition

<edition> designates the version of the finding aid or bibliographic entity. It may be used within <editionstmt> in <eadheader> and in <titlepage> within <frontmatter> to refer to the version of the finding aid (which should indicate substantial additions to the previous edition). Within <bibref> to refer to the edition of a published work. Within <unittitle>, it may encode edition information within the title itself.


  • ALTRENDER – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • AUDIENCE – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • ID – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • ENCODINGANALOG – not required. May contain information to map this tag to a particular element in another schema.


<edition> generally contains PCDATA and may also contain <emph>, <extptr>, <lb />, and <ptr>.


		<titleproper>Inventory of Something Useful for Learning EAD <date>2012-2013</date></titleproper>
		<subtitle>A totally awesome finding aid with a subtitle too</subtitle>
			<edition>2nd ed.</edition>
			<p>We pretended to add a whole box of photos or something so that we could have an edition statement too!</p>
<bibref>Simpson, John E. <title render="italic">Just XSL</title>, <edition>2nd ed.</edition>. 2008.</bibref>

EAD tag library entry for <edition>.