<ptrgrp> Pointer Group

<ptrgrp> is a wrapper element used within an <indexentry> to contain two or more <ptr> or <ref> elements. A name or entry will generally only be listed once, with <ptrgrp> following it with multiple links to its occurances within the described materials. For more information about linking elements, see the linking elements page.


  • ALTRENDER – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • AUDIENCE – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • ID – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.


<ptrgrp> may contain <ptr> and <ref>.


	<head>Correspondent Index</head>
		<persname>Adeltraud, Jerome</persname>
			<ref linktype="simple" target="corresp19730824" actuate="onrequest"
				show="replace"><date normal="19730824">1973 August 24</date></ref>
			<ref linktype="simple" target="corresp19740228" actuate="onrequest"
				show="replace"><date normal="19740228">1974 February 28</date></ref>
			<ref linktype="simple" target="corresp19750315" actuate="onrequest"
				show="replace"><date normal="19750315">1975 March 15</date></ref>
	</indexentry> . . .

EAD tag library entry for <ptrgrp>.