<separatedmaterial> Separated Material

<separatedmaterial> encodes information about materials associated by provenance to the described materials but that have been physically separated or removed. These items may have been destroyed (including duplicates), moved to another area of the repository/another repository, or returned to the creator. This is not the same as <relatedmaterial>, which is not related to the materials by provenance, accumulation, or use. This element is comparable to ISAD(G) data element 3.5.3 and MARC field 544 with indicator 0.

<separatedmaterial> is one of the elements which may be used within <archdesc>, <c>, <c01> … <c12>, and itself.


  • @altrender – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • @audience – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • @encodinganalog – not required. May contain information to map this tag to a particular element in another schema.
  • @id – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • @lang – not required. Three-letter code that indicates the language in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 639-2b.
  • @localtype – not required. This attribute may be used within a number of elements. Its use and values are not defined by the schema and may be defined locally.
  • @script – not required. Four-letter code that indicates the script in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 15924.

Child Elements

<separatedmaterial> may contain an optional <head> element. It must contain one or more of the following: <archref>, <bibref>, <blockquote>, <chronlist>, <list>, <p>, <table>, and further <separatedmaterial> elements.


See DACS Section 6.3, Related archival materials. Added value. (DACS 2013, pp.73-74)


  <head>Separated Material</head>
  <p>While the hard drives are retained within this collection, all of <persname identifier="http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2019174587" normal="Russel, Martha A. (Martha Anita), 1941-2010"><part>Dr. Martha Russel's</part></persname> personal records, (digital and analog) including correspondence, external committee service documents, and other manuscript materials were separated during processing to create the Martha Russel Papers. <ref href="https://piecemaking.edu/ark:/1313/mr012">View finding aid.</ref></p>
  <archref><title><part>Martha Russel Papers, 1962-2010</part></title>, #<num localtype="collection_id">mr012</num></archref>

Changes from EAD 2002

<separatedmaterial> gained @lang and @script elements. It lost <address>, <extref>, <linkgrp>, <note>, <ref>, and <title>.

EAD3 Tag Library Entry

View the official tag library entry for <separatedmaterial>