<daoloc> Digital Archival Object Location

<daoloc> encodes the location of a <dao> that is a resource in an extended link. Within a <daogrp>, a <daoloc> element is used instead of a <dao> element to indicate that an extended, possibly multi-directional link is being tagged. Related and useful elements are: <dao>, <daodesc>, and <daogrp>. <daoloc> may occur within <daogrp>


  • ALTRENDER – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • AUDIENCE – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • ID – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • ENTITYREF – not required. The name of a nonparsed entity declared in the declaration subset of the document that points to a machine-readable version of the cited reference.
  • HREF – not required. The locator for a remote resource in a simple or extended link. Takes the form of a URI unless the locator is within the document that contains the linking element.
  • LABEL – not required. A display label for an element can be supplied using this attribute when a meaningful label cannot be derived by the style sheet from the element name.
  • LINKTYPE – FIXED. Must contain the value “locator.”
  • ROLE – not required. Information that explains to application software the part that a remote resource plays in a link.
  • SHOW – not required. Defines whether a remote resource appears at the point of the link, in a new window, or replaces the link. Optional values are: new, replace, embed, showother, or shownone.
  • TITLE – not required. Information that serves as a viewable caption which explains to users the part that a resource plays in a link.
  • XPOINTER – not required. The locator for a remote resource. The XPOINTER attribute takes the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier plus a reference, formulated in XPOINTER syntax, to a sub-resource of the remote resource. XPOINTER enables linking to specific sections of a document that are relative, i.e., based on their position in the document or their content, rather than by reference to a specific identifier such as an ID.


<daoloc> may contain <daodesc>.


As with <dao>, an excellent example of <daoloc> in use comes from the LoC website:

<c level="file">
        <unittitle>Photographs of John Smith and family members</unittitle>
        <unitdate type="inclusive" normal="1895/1928">1895-1928</unitdate>
        <daogrp linktype="extended">
                <p>Sample digitized image from this file: John Smith graduation portrait,
                <date normal="18950528">28 May 1895</date>.</p>
            <resource linktype="resource" label="start"/>
            <daoloc entityref="f0042_1tmb" linktype="locator" label="thumb"/>
            <daoloc entityref="f0042_1ref" linktype="locator" label="reference"/>
            <arc linktype="arc" show="embed" actuate="onload" from="start" to="thumb"/>
            <arc linktype="arc" show="new" actuate="onrequest" from="thumb" to="reference"/>

EAD tag library entry for <daoloc>.