AD Sample: American Association of Industrial Editors (AAIE) Records

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<!DOCTYPE ead PUBLIC "+//ISBN 1-931666-00-8//DTD ead.dtd (Encoded Archival Description (EAD) Version 2002)//EN" "../ead_dtd/ead.dtd" [
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<!-- TEMPLATE VERSION 1.14, 12 Mar 2010 -->
<!-- Added Belfer as container type -->
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not used should be commented out so that they don't appear in the viewable
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      <eadid countrycode="US" mainagencycode="NSyU" identifier="aaie">aaie</eadid>
            <titleproper encodinganalog="Title">American Association of Industrial Editors (AAIE) Records</titleproper>
            <subtitle>A description of the collection at Syracuse University</subtitle>
         <author encodinganalog="Creator">MRC</author></titlestmt>
            <publisher encodinganalog="Publisher">&su_name;<lb/></publisher>
            <date normal="2010-05-06" encodinganalog="Date">6 May 2010</date>
         <creation>Michele Combs<date normal="2010-05-06">6 May 2010</date>
            <language langcode="eng" encodinganalog="Language">English</language>
      <!--Enter revisions in the format "## date - ## change (## initials)"--><revisiondesc>
   <archdesc level="collection" type="inventory" relatedencoding="MARC21">
         <head>Overview of the Collection</head>
         <repository encodinganalog="852$a" label="Repository: ">
         &su_name; <lb/> &su_address;
         <origination label="Creator: "><corpname encodinganalog="110">American Association of Industrial Editors.</corpname></origination>
         <unittitle encodinganalog="245$a" label="Title: ">American Association of Industrial Editors (AAIE) Records</unittitle>
         <unitdate encodinganalog="245$f" normal="1939/1958" type="inclusive" label="Inclusive Dates: ">1939-1958</unitdate>
            <physdesc encodinganalog="300$a" label="Quantity: "><extent>1 linear ft.</extent></physdesc>
         <abstract encodinganalog="520$a" label="Abstract: ">Minutes, reports, photographs, printed materials from the American professional editors' association.</abstract>
         <unitid encodinganalog="099" label="Identification: " countrycode="US" repositorycode="NSyU">2750900</unitid>
         <langmaterial label="Language: " encodinganalog="546">
            <language langcode="eng">English</language>
      <bioghist encodinganalog="545">
         <head>Biographical History</head>
      <p>The American Association of Industrial Editors was formed in 1938 by a small group of editors of industrial publications and house 
		organs, who saw their mission as increasing professionalism among editors, improving quality of publications and serving management.  
		Within a few months the fledgling organization had members from 17 states and by 1939 they began publishing the Editor's Notebook, 
		aimed at editors of industrial and corporate magazines.  In 1941 AAIE became one of several charter members of the National Council 
		of Industrial Editors Association (NCIEA), which later became the International Council of Industrial Editors (ICIE).  AAIE withdrew 
		from ICIE in 1946 over policy differences but the two organizations merged again in 1970, becoming the International Association of 
		Business Communicators (IABC).</p></bioghist>
      <scopecontent encodinganalog="520">
         <head>Scope and Contents of the Collection</head>
         <p>The <emph render="bold">American Association of Industrial Editors Records</emph> contains minutes, reports, photographs, printed materials and other items from the American professional editors' association.</p>
      <arrangement encodinganalog="351$a">
         <head>Arrangement of the Collection</head>
         <p>The collection is unprocessed and remains in original order.</p>
      <!--<relatedmaterial encodinganalog="544 1">
         <head>Related Material</head>
         <p>## (MARC 544 1)</p></relatedmaterial>-->
      <!--Use archref, not extref, to link to related collections.--><!--<separatedmaterial encodinganalog="544 0">
         <head>Separated Material</head>
         <p>## OPT (MARC 544 0)</p>
      <!--<otherfindaid encodinganalog="555">
         <head>Other Related Finding Aids</head>
         <p>## OPT (MARC 555)</p>
         <head>Subject and Genre Headings</head>
         <!--For each, include source if possible (aat, lcsh, local, etc). Some have 
defaults set in the template.-->
         <subject encodinganalog="650" source="local">Business and Industry</subject>
			<subject encodinganalog="650" source="local">Journalism</subject>
			<!--<persname encodinganalog="600" source="lcnaf">##</persname>-->
         <!--<famname encodinganalog="600" source="lcnaf">##</famname>-->
         <corpname encodinganalog="610" source="lcnaf">American Association of Industrial Editors.</corpname><corpname encodinganalog="610" source="lcnaf">International Council of Industrial Editors.</corpname>
         <!--<title encodinganalog="630" source="lcnaf">##</title>-->
         <subject encodinganalog="650" source="lcsh">Editors -- Professional associations.</subject><subject encodinganalog="650" source="lcsh">House organs.</subject><!--<geogname encodinganalog="651" source="lcsh">##</geogname>-->
         <genreform encodinganalog="655" source="aat">Minutes.</genreform><genreform encodinganalog="655" source="aat">Photographs.</genreform><genreform encodinganalog="655" source="aat">Reports.</genreform>
         <occupation encodinganalog="656" source="lcsh">Editors.</occupation>
         <!--<function encodinganalog="657">##</function>--></controlaccess>
      <accessrestrict encodinganalog="506">
         <head>Access Restrictions</head>
         <p>The collection is unprocessed and accessible by special permission only.</p>
      <userestrict encodinganalog="540">
         <head>Use Restrictions</head>
         <p>Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and 
all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any 
materials in this collection.</p>
      <prefercite encodinganalog="524">
         <head>Preferred Citation</head>
         <p>Preferred citation for this material is as follows:</p>
         <p>American Association of Industrial Editors (AAIE) Records, <lb/> &su_name; </p>
      <acqinfo encodinganalog="541">
         <head>Acquisition Information</head>
         <p>Gift of <persname role="donor">Samuel V. Kennedy</persname>, 1980.</p>
      <!--<appraisal encodinganalog="583">
         <head>Appraisal Information</head>
      <!--<accruals encodinganalog="584">
         <p>## OPT (MARC 584)</p>
      <dsc type="othertype">
   <note><p>An inventory has not yet been created for this collection.  
Please contact the Repository listed above for more information.</p><p></p></note>