<ref> Reference

<ref> is an internal linking element that provides for movement from one place in a finding aid to another place in the same finding aid. Unlike the internal pointer <ptr> element, <ref> may contain text and subelements that identify or describe the referenced object. It may be used in a variety of ways in an encoded finding aid. For example, it may provide a dynamic link from one <c> to another related <c> in the same way that “See” and “See also” references direct readers of paper-based finding aids. Or, it might be used to direct the reader from text in a scope and content note to a description of a <c> in a contents list.

It may be used within: <abstract>, <archref>, <bibliography>, <bibref>, <container>, <creation>, <descrules>, <dimensions>, <emph>, <entry>, <event>, <extent>, <extref>, <indexentry>, <item>, <label>, <langmaterial>, <langusage>, <materialspec>, <origination>, <otherfindaid>, <p>, <physdesc>, <physfacet>, <physloc>, <ptrgrp>, <relatedmaterial>, <repository>, <separatedmaterial>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, and <unittitle>,


  • ALTRENDER – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • AUDIENCE – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • ID – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • ACTUATE – not required. Controls whether the link occurs automatically or requires user request. Values are: “onload” (automatically), “onrequest” (if user requests), “actuateother” (some other action occurs), and “actuatenone” (no action occurs).
  • ARCROLE – not required. URI preference that identifies a resource that describes some property of an arc-type or simple-type linking element.
  • HREF – not required. The locator for a remote resource in a simple or extended link. An HREF takes the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). If no URI is specified, the locator is assumed to be within the document that contains the linking element.
  • LINKTYPE – fixed. Value must be “simple.”
  • ROLE – not required. Information that explains to application software the part that a remote resource plays in a link.
  • SHOW – not required. Used in conjunction with ACTUATE to define whether a remote resource that is the target of a link appears at the point of the link, replaces the existing link, or appears in a new window. Possible values are: “embed” (target displays at point of link), “new” (target appears in new window), “replace” (target resource replaces currently-displayed resource), “showother” (take some other action), and “shownone” (no target resource displays).
  • TARGET – not required. Points to the ID of another element. Must be an ID reference.
  • TITLE – not required. A viewable caption.
  • XPOINTER – not required. The locator for a remote resource in a simple or locator link. The XPOINTER attribute takes the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier plus a reference, formulated in XPOINTER syntax, to a sub-resource of the remote resource. XPOINTER enables linking to specific sections of a document that are relative, i.e., based on their position in the document or their content, rather than by reference to a specific identifier such as an ID.


<ref> may contain PCDATA as well as <abbr>, <address>, <archref>, <bibref>, <blockquote>, <chronlist>, <corpname>, <date>, <emph>, <expan>, <extptr>, <extref>, <famname>, <function>, <genreform>, <geogname>, <lb />, <list>, <name>, <note>, <num>, <occupation>, <origination>, <persname>, <ptr>, <repository>, <subject>, <table>, <title>, <unitdate>, and <unittitle>.


	<head>Index to Correspondents and Recipients</head>
		<corpname>Bach &amp; Bros.</corpname>
		<ref linktype="simple" target="NonC:21-2" show="replace" actuate="onrequest">
		(In non correspondence)</ref>
			<corpname>Bacon and Lewis, Ltd.</corpname>
			<persname>Levering, Alexander M.</persname>
			<persname>Windom, Lucious</persname>
		<ref linktype="simple" target="Cres:18610408" show="replace" actuate="onrequest">
		(1861 Apr. 8, ALS, to W.W., re: inquiry into what to do with unsold flour)</ref>
	</indexentry> . . .

EAD tag library entry for <ref>.