<title> encodes the formal name of a work listed in the finding aid. Subtitles do not have a separate element but may be included within <title>. It should not be confused with <titleproper> or <unittitle>, which have specific uses. However, <title> may be used within <unittitle>. It may also be used within <abstract>, <archref>, <bibliography>, <bibref>, <bibseries>, <container>, <controlaccess>, <creation>, <descrules>, <dimensions>, <emph>, <entry>, <event>, <extent>, <extref>, <indexentry>, <item>, <label>, <langmaterial>, <langusage>, <materialspec>, <namegrp>, <origination>, <otherfindaid>, <p>, <physdesc>, <physfacet>, <physloc>, <ref>, <relatedmaterial>, <repository>, <separatedmaterial>, <unitdate>, and <unitid>.
- ALTRENDER – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
- AUDIENCE – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
- ID – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
- ACTUATE not required. Controls when the element is displayed. Values which can be used are onload (automatically), onrequest (displayed if the user requests), actuateother (other action related to the link), actuatenone (no action related to the link).
- ALTRENDER not required. If “altrender” is used in RENDER, specify here.
- ARCROLE not required. URI preference that identifies a resource that describes some property of an arc-type or simple-type linking element.
- AUTHFILENUMBER not required. A number that identifies the authority file record from which an acess term. In this case, SOURCE should also be used.
- ENCODINGANALOG – not required. May contain information to map this tag to MARC fields 130, 240, 245, 630, 730, and 740.
- ENTITYREF not required. The name of a nonparsed entity declared in the declaration subset of the document that points to a machine-readable version of the cited reference.
- HREF not required. The locator for a remote resource in a simple or extended link. An HREF takes the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). If no URI is specified, the locator is assumed to be within the document that contains the linking element.
- LINKTYPE fixed element. Value must be “simple.”
- NORMAL not required. A normalized form of the content, to facilitate retrieval.
- RENDER not required. Controls how the element is displayed. Values may be: altrender, bold, bolddoublequote, bolditalic, boldsinglequote, boldsmcaps, boldunderline, doublequote, italic, nonproport, singlequote, smcaps, sub, super, and underline.
- ROLE not required. Information that explains to application software the part that a remote resource plays in a link.
- RULES not required. Name of the descriptive rules or conventions that govern the formulation of the content of the element.
- SHOW not required. A control that defines whether a remote resource that is the target of a link appears at the point of the link, replaces the existing link, or appears in a new window. It is used in conjunction with the ACTUATE attribute to determine link behavior. Values can be: new, replace, embed, showother, shownone.
- SOURCE not required. The source of a controlled vocabulary term.
- TITLE not required. Displays as a viewable option which displays information related to the linking element.
- TYPE not required. Designates the type of title.
- XPOINTER not required. The locator for a remote resource in a simple or locator link.
<title> most commonly contains PCDATA and may also contain <date>, <emph>, <extptr>, <lb />, <num>, and <ptr>.
<bibref> <title render="italic">Library of Congress Acquisitions: Manuscript Division, <date>1982,</date></title> p. 29. </bibref> |