<emph> Emphasis

<emph> is a formatting element used to mark words or phrases which should be stressed or emphasized for linguistic effect.

It may be used within <abstract>, <addressline>, <archref>, <author>, <bibref>, <citation>, <container>, <date>, <datesingle>, <didnote>, <dimensions>, <edition>, <entry>, <event>, <fromdate>, <head>, <head01>, <head02>, <head03>, <item>, <label>, <materialspec>, <num>, <p>, <part>, <physdesc>, <physfacet>, <physloc>, <publisher>, <quote>, <ref>, <sponsor>, <subtitle>, <title>, <titleproper>, <todate>, <unitdate>, <unitid>, and <unittitle>.


  • @altrender – not required. If none of the values in @render meet the encoder’s needs, specify “altrender” in @render and specify another value here to be read by the stylesheet.
  • @audience – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • @id – not required. A unique id for this element.
  • @lang – not required. Three-letter code that indicates the language in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 639-2b.
  • @render – not required. May be used to specify how the element should be displayed and printed. Possible values are altrender (see @altrender above), bold, bolddoublequote, bolditalic, boldsinglequote, boldsmcaps, boldunderline, doublequote, italic, nonproport, singlequote, smcaps, sub, super, and underline.
  • @script – not required. Four-letter code that indicates the script in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 15924.

Child Elements

<emph> will likely contain text. It may also contain: <abbr>, <emph>, <expan>, <foreign>, <lb />, <ptr/>, and <ref>.


      <fromdate standarddate="1978">1978</fromdate>
      <todate standarddate="1999">1999</todate>
  <abstract>A collection of syllabuses previously retained by the department and used by students to select courses for upcoming semesters.</abstract>
  <didnote>For a <emph render="italic">current</emph> list of courses taught within the department, see <ptr href="https://quilttech.piecemaking.edu/courses" linkrole="text/html" linktitle="course listings on the department's website" />.</didnote>

Changes from EAD 2002

<emph> gained attributes @audience, @lang, and @script.

EAD3 Tag Library Entry

View the official tag library entry for <emph>