<footnote> Footnote

<footnote> is a new element in EAD3 which may be used to create an annotation providing further information about an event, quotation, reference, etc. It may be used within <abstract>, <archref>, <bibref>, <entry>, <event>, <item>, <p>, <physfacet>, <ref>, and <unittitle>.


  • @actuate – not required. Determines whether a link occurs automatically or must be requested by a user. Possible values: onload, onrequest, other, none.
  • @altrender – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • @audience – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • @id – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • @lang – not required. Three-letter code that indicates the language in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 639-2b.
  • @localtype – not required. This attribute may be used within a number of elements. Its use and values are not defined by the schema and may be defined locally.
  • @script – not required. Four-letter code that indicates the script in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 15924.
  • @show – not required. Specifies when a link will be shown. Possible values are: embed, new.

Child Elements

<footnote> must contain at least one of the following: <blockquote>, <chronlist>, <list>, <p>, and <table>.


  <head>Departmental History</head>
  <p>The Quilting Technologies Department was created in 1978, 3 years after the founding of <corpname><part>Piecemaking University</part></corpname> in order to <quote>study the history of technologies of quilting and promote the exploration and development of new technologies.</quote> Its two full-time faculty members were <persname identifier="http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2019174587" normal="Russel, Martha A. (Martha Anita), 1941-2010"><part>Dr. Martha Russel</part></persname> and <persname identifier="http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/no2019174587233" normal="Carter, Caroline, 1932-"><part>Dr. Caroline Carter</part></persname>. At the time of its founding, the department only offered a single degree, the Doctorate in Quilting.</p>
  <p>According to historian Amelia Robinson:</p>
      <p>...the late 1970s saw Quilt Education to shift from a discipline concerned with history to an interdisciplinary and forward-looking field. No longer confined to studying and describing the textiles themselves or the persons who created them, quilt educators began exploring the techniques and technologies of quilting and its intersection with other textile arts and crafts. Entire departments, such as the Quilting Technologies Department at Piecemaking University, began stitching together connections with women's history, the history of industrialization, the study of technology, and experimental research.<lb/>
        <p><ptr target="patchwork" show="replace" linktitle="Patchwork: A History of Quilting Education in the United States"/></p>
  <p>By 1985, the department had grown to 5 faculty positions and 3 interdisciplinary positions shared with other parts. It began offering three program tracks: textile history, history of technology, and women's history. Around 1987, the department began offering 400-level classes for undergraduates majoring in general history and women's studies.</p>
  <p>In 2000, the department began including courses on digital technologies, although the department's mission continues to define Quilting Technology as "the broad set of processes, skills, tools, and techniques developed for the creation of quilts and related textiles." In 2010, the department partnered with the library in the creation of a makerspace.</p>

EAD3 Tag Library Entry

View the official tag library entry for <footnote>