<entry> Table Entry

<entry> is a formatting element used to designate cell contents within the <row> element of a <table>.


For a full list of tabular elements see the LoC tag library. Certain values set here will override the general values set at a higher level for that column (i.e. width, rule display, alignment), otherwise it will intherit values set at higher levels. The extent of a horizontal span is determined by naming the first column (NAMEST) and the last column (NAMEEND) in the span.

  • ALTRENDER – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • AUDIENCE – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • ID – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • ALIGN – not required. Designates the horizontal position of text within the entry column. Values may be: left, right, center, justify (flush left and right), and char (alignment on a single character such as a decimal, as positioned by CHAROFF).
  • CHAR – not required. Names the character (such as decimal, asterisk, or em-dash) on which the text will align.
  • CHAROFF – not required. If CHAR is used, this is the percentage of the current column width to the left edge of the alignment character. Number.
  • COLNAME – not required. Letters and/or numbers (no spaces) used to match the entry to the name of the column in which it occurs.
  • COLNUM – not required. The number of the column, as counting from the left.
  • COLSEP – not required. Use “1” to display a vertical rule to the right of the entry’s column and “0” for no vertical rule.
  • COLWIDTH – not required. A fixed width for the entry’s column. Units may be “pt,” “cm,” “in,” and an * for proportional measures, such as “5*”.
  • MOREROWS – not required. The number of additional rows in a vertical straddle. Must be a number, default is “0” to indicate no additional rows.
  • NAMEEND – not required. Name of the rightmost column of the span. Must be the column name as defined by COLNAME within <colspec>.
  • NAMEST – not required. Name of the leftmost column of a span. Must be the column name as defined by COLNAME within <colspec>.
  • ROWSEP – not required. Use “1” to display a horizontal rule below the row and “0” for no horizontal rule.
  • VALIGN – not required. Used to set the vertical positioning of text within a table cell. Values are: top, middle, bottom.


<entry> will probably contain PCDATA, as well as <abbr>, <address>, <archref>, <bibref>, <corpname>, <date>, <emph>, <expan>, <extptr>, <extref>, <famname>, <function>, <genreform>, <geogname>, <lb />, <linkgrp>, <list>, <name>, <note>, <num>, <occupation>, <origination>, <persname>, <ptr>, <ref>, <repository>, <subject>, <title>, <unitdate>, and <unittitle>.


The following example is taken from the Library of Congress tag library:

<table frame="none">
	<tgroup cols="3">
	<colspec colnum="1" colname="1" align="left" colwidth="50pt"/>
	<colspec colnum="2" colname="2" align="left" colwidth="50pt"/>
	<colspec colnum="3" colname="3" align="left" colwidth="50pt"/>
			<entry colname="1">Major Family Members</entry>
			<entry colname="2">Spouses</entry>
			<entry colname="3">Children</entry>
			<entry colname="1">John Albemarle (1760-1806)</entry>
				<entry colname="2">Mary Frances Delaney (1769-1835)</entry>
				<entry colname="3">John Delaney Albemarle (1787-1848)</entry>
			</row> . . .

EAD tag library entry for <entry>.