<function> Function

<function> is used to encode terms for spheres of activities and processes that generated the described materials. The terms may provide useful access points, such as “entertaining” or “collecting taxes.” This should not be confused with the <occupation> element, which designates a type of work of business.

The element may be used to tag any function during a paragraph, with the NORMAL attribute supplying the proper form of the term. Functions which contributed greatly to the formation of the materials should be listed within <controlaccess> even if they are indicated elsewhere. <function> may be used within <controlaccess>, <entry>, <event>, <extref>, <extrefloc>, <indexentry>, <item>, <label>, <namegrp>, <p>, <physdesc>, <physfacet>, <ref> (reference), <refloc> (reference location), and <unittitle>.


  • ALTRENDER – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • AUDIENCE – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • ID – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • AUTHFILENUMBER – not required. A number that identifies the authority file record for an access term drawn from that authority file (the source for this number/the access term should be in SOURCE).
  • ENCODINGANALOG – not required. May contain information to map this tag to MARC field 657.
  • NORMAL – not required. Can be used to provide the authority form if the word is being used informally within narrative text, etc.
  • RULES – not required. May be used to specify the descriptive rules followed when forming the term.
  • SOURCE – not required. The source of the controlled vocabulary, e.g. “lcsh” for Library of Congress Subject Headings.


<function> may contain PCDATA, <emph>, <extptr>, <lb />, and <ptr>.


The following example comes from the LoC tag libary:

	<head>Index Terms</head>
	<p>These records are indexed under the following headings in the catalog of
	the Minnesota Historical Society.  Researchers wishing to find related materials
	should search the catalog under these index terms.</p>
		<head>Government Functions:</head>
		<function encodinganalog="657" source="aat">Law enforcing.</function>
		<function encodinganalog="657" source="aat">Convicting.</function>

EAD tag library entry for <function>.