<item> Item

<item> is a formatting element which may be used in two ways. First, it may be used as an entry in a <list> as a number, word, or phrase. Second, it may be part of a <defitem> inside a definition list, in which it is paired with a <label> which it defines/describes/explains.

<item> should not be confused with <chronitem>, which pairs <date> and <event> elements in a <chronlist>.


  • @altrender – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • @audience – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • @id – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • @lang – not required. Three-letter code that indicates the language in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 639-2b.
  • @script – not required. Four-letter code that indicates the script in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 15924.

Child Elements

<item> may contain text, <abbr>, <corpname>, <date>, <emph>, <expan>, <famname>, <footnote>, <foreign>, <function>, <genreform>, <geogname>, <lb />, <list>, <name>, <num>, <occupation>, <persname>, <ptr/>, <quote>, <ref>, <subject>, and <title>.


  <head>Restrictions on Access</head>
  <p>The collection is open for reearch. The following series require review by the archivist to redact protected information:</p>
  <list listtype="unordered">
    <item>Meeting Notes (for records less than 20 years old)</item>
<p>The following terms are used in correspondence throughout the series.</p>
<list listtype="deflist">
    <item>a rotary cutter used to cut fabric</item>
    <item>The Clover brand Hera tool is used to mark and fold fabric.</item>
    <label>jelly roll</label>
    <item>a rolled bundle of fabric strips, cut 2.5" wide</item>

Changes from EAD 2002

<item> gained @lang and @script. It can no longer contain <address>, <archref>, <bibref>, <blockquote>, <chronlist>, <emph>, <extptr> <extref>, <linkgrp>, <occupation>, <repository>, <table>, <unitdate>, and <unittitle>. Importantly, it can no longer be used within <revisiondesc>, which has been replaced by <maintenancehistory>.

EAD3 Tag Library Entry

View the official tag library entry for <item>