<namegrp> is a formatting element used within <indexentry> to group access elements which share the same <ref>, <ptr/>, or <ptrgrp> element.
- @altrender – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
- @audience – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
- @id – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
- @lang – not required. Three-letter code that indicates the language in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 639-2b.
- @script – not required. Four-letter code that indicates the script in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 15924.
Child Elements
<namegrp> may contain as many of the following child elements as desired: <corpname>, <famname>, <function>, <geogname>, <genreform>, <name>, <occupation>, <persname>, <subject>, <title>.
<index> <p>Index of speakers and associated videos.</p> <listhead> <head01>Speaker</head01> <head02>Video(s)</head02> </listhead> <indexentry> <persname><part>Rachel Acosta</part></persname> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/3953" linktitle="The Original Digital: Handquilting in an Era of Machine Quilting"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <namegrp> <persname><part>Wallis Culver</part></persname> <persname><part>Susan Shibata</part></persname> </namegrp> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/4548" linktitle="The Role of the Quilt Guild in Dispersing Technologies of Quilting"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <namegrp> <persname><part>Erica Haywood</part></persname> <persname><part>Angelina Moorhead</part></persname> </namegrp> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/954" linktitle="Embroidery, Embellishments and Quilting, a Conversation"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <persname><part>Deon Jones</part></persname> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/1398" linktitle="Abstractions: Modern Quilt Design after 1990"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <persname><part>Rhonda Lee</part></persname> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/2768" linktitle="To Sandwich or Not to Sandwich: How Many Layers Does a Quilt Need to be a Quilt"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <persname><part>Jazmín Medina</part></persname> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/359" linktitle="Analysis of Applique, 1950-1980"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <namegrp> <persname><part>Noor Qader</part></persname> <persname><part>Maya Reynolds</part></persname> </namegrp> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/445" linktitle="Pattern Design and Dispersal from Newspapers and Magazines to Quilting Software and Websites"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <persname><part>Amelia Robinson</part></persname> <ptrgrp> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/527" linktitle="Quilting Education: 1937 to 1999"/> <ptr target="patchwork" linktitle="based on her history of quilting education in the United States"/> </ptrgrp> </indexentry> <indexentry> <persname><part>Atlas Sozen</part></persname> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/7188" linktitle="Youtube's and the Dissemination of Quilting Techniques"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <namegrp> <persname><part>Joseph Yang</part></persname> <persname><part>Elizabeth Zook</part></persname> </namegrp> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/2523" linktitle="From Cotton to Polyester and Beyond: Thread's Role in Quilting"/> </indexentry> <indexentry> <persname><part>Gladys Yoder</part></persname> <ptrgrp> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/2943" linktitle="Economies of Sale: Marketability and Quilt Design"/> <ref href="https://archives.piecemaking.edu/videos/player/3526" linktitle="Technologies of Amish Quilting"/> </ptrgrp> </indexentry> </index> |
Changes from EAD 2002
<namegrp> gained attributes @lang and @script and lost deprecated child element <note>.