<unitid> ID of a Unit

<unitid> is an alpha-numeric text string that serves as a unique reference point or control number for descibed material. It is an important child element of the <did>. While it may provide location information as a secondary function, it is primarily meant as a logical designation. Other <did> child elements such as <physloc> and <container> should be used to specifically designate the physical location. It is also not the same as the <recordid>, which is the unique identification string for the finding aid.


  • @altrender – not required. Use if the content of the element should be displayed or printed differently than the rendering established in a style sheet for other occurrences of the element.
  • @audience – not required. Use to set whether the element’s contents will be visible to external users or to internal ones. Possible values are: “internal” and “external.”
  • @countrycode – not required. The ISO 3166-1 code for the country in which the described materials are being held.
  • @encodinganalog – not required. May contain information to map this tag to a particular element in another schema.
  • @id – not required. Creates an ID for element. Can be used for linking.
  • @identifier – not required. A machine-readable unique identifier related to the content of the element.
  • @label – not required. This can be used when a meaningful display label for an element can’t be derived by the stylesheet from its name. It is available in all <did> subelements.
  • @lang – not required. Three-letter code that indicates the language in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 639-2b.
  • @localtype – not required. This attribute may be used within a number of elements. Its use and values are not defined by the schema and may be defined locally.
  • @repositorycode – not required. The unique code used to indicate the repository which has physical control of the described materials. Should be taken from ISO 15511.
  • @script – not required. Four-letter code that indicates the script in which the element’s contents were written. It should come from ISO 15924.

The @countrycode and @repositorycode attributes are not required, but should be used at in the high-level <did>(the one directly within <archdesc>) to comply with ISAD(G) 3.1.1.

Child Elements

<unitid> may contain text as well as <abbr>, <emph>, <expan>, <foreign>, <lb />, <ptr/>, and <ref>.


Use DACS 2.1.3, Local identifier for the value Use DACS 2.1.4, Repository identifier for the @repositorycode attribute. Use 2.1.5, Country identifier for the @countrycode attribute. Required. Chapter 2.1.


  <unittitle>Quilting Technologies Department Records</unittitle>
  <unitdate normal="1978/2020" unitdatetype="inclusive">1978-2020</unitdate>
  <physdesc>10 linear feet</physdesc>
  <physdesc>221 GB</physdesc>

Changes from EAD 2002

<unitid> gained @lang and @script. @type was changed to @localtype. It may no longer contain <archref>, <bibref>, and <title>, as well as deprecated <extptr>, <extref>, <linkgrp&gt.

EAD3 Tag Library Entry

View the official tag library entry for <unitid>